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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sometimes good people do bad things.. to their hair.

Yesterday was beautiful here in the ATX. What the heck happened between then and now? Oh yeah. A crazy storm that's covering a huge chunk of the US. Bleh! It was so cold this morning that when I was finally able to drag myself out of the womb-like comfort of my bed, I did the one thing I tell absolutely every single one of my clients not to do. I jumped into the shower and turned the faucet all the way to the left. Oh glorious shower of hot hot steamy goodness!

Janet Leigh, Psycho

Why do I tell my clients not to do this? Because it is murder on your hair. Not only does it make your hair a little more frazzled and generally more dull, but it makes hair color fade so much faster. Yikes! So there I was standing half asleep under this wonderful hot water feeling oh so conflicted. I never wanted that moment to end, but at the same time I could feel the moisture (not to mention the hot pink hair color I JUST DID) running down the drain.

After some soul searching, a conditioning treatment, and a cup of coffee.. I decided not to beat myself up about it. I guess hair care is kinda like dieting. You want to follow all of the rules all of the time, but sometimes you just have to let yourself indulge.

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